Well, have you lately purchased a designer handbag? Did you get a whopping discount on the Christian Dior tote, or Gucci handbag? You are perhaps at the top of the world. It’s likely. But did it ever strike you as to whether the designer handbag is authentic? How do you recognize the original designer handbags from their fake replicas? Here are some tips.
Determining the authenticity of any product is never easy. But it is not impossible if you understand the basics.
Well, the first step to recognize an original designer handbag from its phony counter part is to take a look at the bag thoroughly. Remember, all designer bags are made of quality materials that account for their steep prices. So if it is a Coach handbag made of leather, examine the quality. Many handbags are made of different types of leather, like Lambskin, Calfskin, Goatskin and Patent leather, but it is not difficult to spot the quality of the leather. An original handbag will not have the brand printed on it, but it should be engraved. Also thoroughly check the stitches. There should not be any missing stitches. The stitches should also be evenly spaced. The color of the thread should match the color of the designer handbag.
Take a look at the exterior of the bag. The façade should be free of any mark or scratches. Designer brands like Gucci, Fendi and Prada offer their bags in removable plastics which are to be taken out only after the purchase. All the elements of the bags should be matching in color. Nothing should look out of place.
Beside the leather it is also important to check the interior lining of the bags. Most designer handbags have the interior lining made of satin. The cloth looks glossy and attractive too. The name of the designer brand should also be present on the lining.
Most designer handbags are available with leather accents. The fake ones could be available with plastic accents. But they are so coated that at times it becomes difficult to spot the difference. Under such circumstances look at the edge of the strap, near a stitched joint. This will show a leather core, if authentic.
Many designer handbags come with authenticity cards. This is a small card that has the logo of the designer brand embossed on it. It will also contain the other details about the bag. It will also contain a magnetic strap, bar code. Most designer brands like Gucci, Prada, Fendi, Kate Spade and Coach, are available with these cards.
Another yardstick to check the authenticity is the serial number. However, all designer handbags do not come with such numbers but many do. In Fendi handbags to find the number, turn the inside pocket out. The number will be printed on the fabric or the leather tag. In Gucci hand bags, the leather tag on the zipper seam will have the serial number.
If you shop wisely, it is not difficult to buy an authentic designer handbag.
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